تقدير الذات وعلاقته بالتفاعل الاجتماعي لدى المعلمين : دراسة ميدانية على المدارس العربية بمرحلة الأساس بمركز محافظة أربيل - العراق


This research titled (self-esteem and its relationship to social interaction with teachers), and the study was conducted in Arab schools for Basic status of the province of Erbil - Iraq in the year (2013-2014 AD), in order to identify the general characteristic of self-esteem among teachers, and to identify the relationship between self-esteem and social interaction. It also aims to determine statistically significant differences attributable to the variables: Sex, educational qualification, and years of practical experience. The researcher follow descriptive approach, the research sample consist of 60 teachers were selected randomly simple, and they search tool is the questionnaire that the researcher has designed, the most important results were the self-esteem for school teachers Arab Centre province Erbil– Iraq characterized was rise, and the lack of statistically significant differences in self-esteem among (male teachers and female teachers) as well as the lack of statistically significant differences attributable to years of experience and qualification variable. The relationship of self-esteem in social interaction was a positive relationship. (Author’s abstract)