تقويم منهج إعداد مدرسي الحاسوب في كليات التربية في ضوء معايير الجودة الشاملة


The current study aims to present us the facts of education college’s success within Baghdad city universities; preparing and applying the instructional university curriculum that agrees with the properties and the criterion of the comprehensive quality that fits with preparing the computer teacher in the formal education. The research aimed to assess the curriculum of computer teachers preparation in education colleges in the light of the criterion of the comprehensive quality, the researcher used the descriptive analytical evaluative method to achieve this goal to know the nature of the curriculum domains within the quality criterion in (the goals, the content, methods of teaching, the associated activities, the instructional and laboratory means, and the assessment). The research population was determined as the faculty members and the students of the final classes and the studying curriculums of the computer departments in the university of Baghdad and Al-mustansiriya. The sample of the research was 75 of the teachers out of 100 teachers of the main population 75%, whereas the students sample was 100 students of the main population sample which is 199. The researcher built a questionnaire to achieve the study goal In the light of the exploratory tours of expertise teachers in the curriculums. After that, the researcher checked the tool reliability throughout three types (the apparent reliability, Delphi reliability method, the self-reliability). Then the list came up with its final form; consisting of 6 domains, and 24 criteria, and 133 indicators. The same Prepare of third tours of Delphi, then the questionnaire was applied and extracted the validity by using re-test method. Results were interpreted and discussed as follows: 1) Teaching aids first place unrealized college requirements and unrealized according to the overall quality of the test among a sample of teachers. 2) Educational content and won second place in a sample of teachers and ranked last sample of students and faculty unrealized college requirements and is verified in accordance with the approved test of quality. 3) Educational goals and ranked third among a sample of teachers and ranked last among a sample of students achieving at the college faculty requirements and unrealized according to the touchstone of quality now. 4) Evaluation was ranked fourth among a sample of teachers and ranked fifth among a sample of students achieving college requirements in accordance with the approved balance Quintet and unrealized according to the overall quality of the test adopted in the research. 5) Activities associated won fifth place among a sample of teachers and ranked fourth among a sample of students achieving the completion of teaching assignments in accordance with the requirements of the five-year standard is achieved in accordance with the approved test of quality. In light of the results of the study and a researcher has developed some of the conclusions, including: 1) Existed overall quality criteria and indicators to varying degrees of religious and high-kind and unrealized touchstone of quality. 2) Did not characterize the curriculum and in the overall quality of computer sections. 3) Non-students and faculty agree on the importance of a comprehensive list of quality standards. (Author’s abstract)