تحليل محتوى كتب الحاسوب للمرحلة المتوسطة في ضوء أهداف تدريس المادة


The current research aims to the detection of the objectives teaching extent of the Intermediate stage computer books that was prepared for, especially in the cognitive, skills, and emotional domains. And to achieve this goal the researcher used the descriptive analytical method by following these steps: 1) the researcher polled the teacher’s opinion by asking an open question to check the ambiguity that surrounds the computers books to their studying goals. 2) To achieve the aim of the research, the researcher preparing search tool (the classification table) the adoption of Bloom’s classification of goals in the three fields (cognitive, skills, emotional) and derived the test percentages for these areas to represent books analyst content through presentation to the expert. 3) Showing classification tool areas (the cognitive, skills and emotional) domains by their initial image after reviewing the literary reviews and the previous studies that dealt with content analysis topics for some textbooks, and reviewing the books and the educational and scientific magazines related to the objectives, and also reviewing the general educational objectives for teaching the computer and the teaching objective of the intermediate stage that was prepared by the Iraqi education ministry, and it was exposed to a group of experts in the field of curriculums and methods of teaching and psychology computer science and some experts from the Iraqi education ministry, so the tool could meet the terms of validity, where the validity of the experts has been confirmed up to 95%. 4) The researcher has analyzed the computer books of the intermediate stage (The first, and the second class), the researcher depended the explicit idea as a unit for registration, repetition unit for numeration and by using Holisti equations, the constancy of analysis was calculated with an agreement with between the outside analysts and the researcher itself during the time. By using the repetitions, percentages and Chi square the results showed the following: 1) the attention of the computer book content of the first intermediate class has focused on the skill Domain, then on the cognitive domain and then on the emotional domain. 2) The authors did not consider computer intermediate stage targets in parallel, as has been the focus of attention on the areas of knowledge and skill, and the weakness and of their interest in the emotional domain. 3) The books varied in terms of its interest in the three domains (skill, cognitive, emotional). 4) Provide skill area and bestowed upon paragraphs of categories of special interest and after that won the category of (scientific thinking skills and generate ideas) on first place in both books, and this fits with the educational aims set for computer books for intermediate stage. In the light of the results, the researcher has come up with some recommendations and suggestions. (Author’s abstract)