درجة التزام الطلبة المقبولين في الجامعات الرسمية على لائحة التفوق الرياضي بممارسة النشاطات الرياضية الجامعية من وجهة نظر المشرفين والمدربين الرياضيين


This survey aimed at recognizing how committed the accepted students are in the universities on athletic excel list by practicing university athletic from athletics supervisors and trainers point of view and at identifying the differences in these students degree of commitment that is related to faculty gender sport .and scientific degree. The scholar used the descriptive survey method. The survey consisted of 108 supervisors and athletic trainers in Jordanian public universities. The survey sample consisted of 40 from (Yarmouk university, Albalqa applied university, Mo'tah university). The samples were chosen in internationality way. The scholar used a 29 paragraph questionnaire. The results showed that the commitment of these students in general was in high rates. It reached 3.90 degree out of 5 degree. That indicated that these students were committed to all these athletic chores by acceptance conditions and in high rates, and to find if there were differences in the students commitment regarding (faculty, gender, and sport) and there are no differences and no connection between athletic excel and scientific degree. According to those results, the scholar recommended more students about athletic excel and variable elements affecting it and cooperating between students affair department and registration unit to unite the educational programs for the accepted students according to athletic excel list and increase the communication among students and all workers in athletic activity and to work on educating the students with the rules of the kind of sport they practice. (Author’s abstract)