فاعلية استخدام تقنيات التعلم الذاتي في تدريس مادة التربية الإسلامية بالمرحلة الثانوية : حقيبة تعليمية مقترحة للصف الثالث


The research study took in consideration the effective using of personal learning technology in teaching Islamic subject at secondary stage, the objective of the study is preparation, designing an instructional package suggested to teach the above mentioned subject for the third grade and to know how the package in effective in Gaining benefits. The researcher followed the experimental method through applying educational gaining such as article of the research studying, along with the descriptive method for the theoretical aspects. Which for the social or the community of the study was taken randomly from the students at the third grade of secondary level in eastern locality “Sharg Elneel” Haj Yousif sector about 40 sector about 40 students girls weare chosen form Alfarabi secondary school for girls to be an example for the study. The students wwere hosen from “Al Farabi secondary school for girls” to be an example for the study. The students were divided into two groups, then the students gave two tests- prior and later test. The researcher found out these following results: 1) using instructional package increases the gaining of the students for the subject mentioned in the study. 2) Using of this package reduces the individual differences between different students. (Author’s abstract)