تقويم التدريب أثناء الخدمة لمعلمي ومعلمات اللغة العربية بالمرحلة الثانوية بمحلية القطينة – ولاية النيل اﻷبيض – السودان


This study is an evolution study of In-service training of Arabic Language teachers at secondary level in (White Nile State- Elgitaina Locality). The objective of the research is to identify the aspects of strengths and weakness in the training of secondary school teachers of Arabic Language. The study investigates the problems that hinder the training of Arabic Language teachers according to views of teachers and supervisors who are responsible for training. The researcher used the descriptive approach. To collect data two instruments of data collection were adopted which are questionnaire and interview. The questionnaire was distribute to Arabic Language secondary school teachers of white Nile State-Elgitaina locality. The interview was conducte with the supervisors of the same place. The researhcher used percentage and means to analyse T test of Alfa cornback are use to measure the validity and reliability of the collectes data. The data confirmed the importance of the training during work as a very necessary way for education process development. The results of the study show the reasons of Arabic Language teachers problems during their career which are: the absence of regular funding of training, the lack of training experts no clear train ing plan, aids and training equipment’s are very few as well as the adoption of tradityional method and approaches of training. Based on the results, the reasercher provided a chapter of recommendations and suggestion to raise the awareness of the training programmes for Arabic Language teachders at secondary school level during their career in addition to the development for the training process itself. (Author’s abstract)