علاقة إدارة المعرفة بالأنماط القيادية لدى مديري المدارس الإعدادية في محافظة بغداد


The current research aims to know: 1) Knowledge Management at the high school Headmasters in the province of Baghdad. 2) Leadership patterns prevalent among high schools Headmasters in the province of Baghdad. 3) Differences in knowledge management at the high schools Headmasters depending on the variable sex (male, female). 4) Differences in leadership patterns among high schools Headmasters depending on the variable sex (male, female). 5) The relationship between knowledge management and leadership patterns among high schools Headmasters in the province of Baghdad. The current research is determined by high schools Headmasters in the province of Baghdad department of Education Rusafa (first, second, third) and both sex (male, female) for year (2014-2015). To achieve this, the researcher built knowledge management measure and measure of leadership patterns among high schools Headmasters based on previous studies, sources and literature and standards of special research topic relationship were verified psychometric properties in terms of validity and reliability, as the researcher extract the virtual honesty and sincerity construction, as extracted stability for testing and re-testing and coefficient alpha for internal consistency for both scales. And the current research sample amounted to 400 of male and female teachers in high schools in the province of Baghdad/ Rasafa (first, second, third) was selected stratified random manner and equal distribution manner. After the use of appropriate statistical methods to search results indicated the following: The results showed that school headmasters have knowledge of management, the democratic pattern is prevalent in more than authoritarian and lawlessness pattern, as results showed no statistically significant differences in knowledge management according to gender differences, as well as no statistically significant differences in leadership patterns (Democrat, lawlessness) depending on the variable sex while the results showed the presence of statistically significant differences in leadership pattern differences (authoritarian) depending on the variable sex in favor of females, and the results showed a statistically significant positive correlation between knowledge management and democratic pattern, as well the existence of statistically significant negative correlation between knowledge management and style (authoritarian and lawlessness). In view of the search results the researcher put some of the recommendations and suggestions to complement the current search. (Author’s abstract)