أثر إستراتيجية معالجة المعلومات في اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية عند طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط


The present study aims to shed some light on the impact of data processing strategy on the acquisition of historical concepts of intermediate second year students. To achieve this aim, the researcher hypothesized the following: There is no statistical significant difference at the level 0.05 between the average of experimental group marks (that study with the data processing strategy) and control group marks (that study traditionally). The researcher has determined two groups: 1) The experimental group including 30 students from section (A), studying Arab Islamic History with the data processing strategy. 2) The control group including 30 students from section (C) studying Arab Islamic History traditionally. The researcher covered chapters four and five from the Book of Arab Islamic History for the intermediate second year, academic year 2014-2015 to concentrate on 24 historical concepts, which are the basis for 72 behavioral objectives. After a post-test on acquiring historical concepts, the researcher started her experiment which lasted 11 weeks to apply, at the end, the post-test of acquiring historical concepts on both experimental and control groups by using the suitable statistical means , such as (T-test) (Chi -square) and (Pearson correlative). The researcher arrived at a number of conclusions, among which are the following: 1) Data processing strategy is more active in acquiring historical concepts by intermediate second year students than the traditional one. 2) Using data processing strategy goes in line with the requirements of modern education and scientific progress in a way that may lead to the achievement of educational goals. 3) Using data processing strategy raised the level of students in acquiring historical concepts and easily teaching them. 4) Using data processing strategy helped in the emergence of desired behaviors of students, such as being attentive while study and pay attention to history material. The researcher reached a number of recommendations, among which are the following: 1) Directing teachers to the importance of using data processing strategy in teaching and making it prominent among their duties. 2) Urging history teachers to pay attention to main and minor concepts instead of memorizing and reciting to students. 3) Teachers must have the ability to correlate historical concepts and merge them with past experience. 4) Opening developmental and qualitative courses for teachers in the ministry of Education to enrich them with modern teaching strategies (including data processing strategy). The researcher suggested a number of studies to complete the present study, including: 1) Using data processing strategy in different study materials, different levels and for both sexes. 2) Using a comparative study between data processing strategy and other teaching strategies. 3) Studying the effects of data processing strategy in other variables such as achievement, creative, critical and cognitive thinking according to sex. (Author’s abstract)