تقويم منهج الرياضيات في المرحلة الثانوية بجمهورية تشاد وتطويره على ضوء تربية التوظيف : دراسة تطبيقية على ولاية أنجمينا 2011 - 2013


Title of the research: Evaluation of the Mathematics Curriculum in the Secondary Level in the Republic of Chad and its Improvement through the Integration Pedagogy. (The Case of Ndjamena State 2011-2013). The study aims at: 1) The study and analysis of the mathematics curriculum in the secondary schools. 2) Try to achieve pedagogic objectives by improving the curriculum. 3) Proposal on the curriculum of the integration pedagogy adopted by the Ministry of Education in Chad for the current primary level. 4) Put a building bloc in the research architecture in the field of the sciences in Arabic in Chad. 5) Set a reliable basis for the committees to begin with while setting up or modifying the secondary school curriculum. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method. Population of the research: The population of the research is composed of all the- secondary school teachers in Ndjamena. The research deals with the evaluation and improvement of the mathematics curriculum in the secondary level in Chad. The teachers were selected from Ndjamena because the boundaries of the research are limited to the town of Ndjamena which encompasses all categories of the Chadian society in all its aspects. Respondents of the research: The respondents of the research are composed of 87 mathematics teachers among the teachers of this subject in Arabic and French schools in the town of Ndjamena. This number represents 36% of the mathematics teachers totalizing 240. The researcher took a random sampling of 20 teachers in order to apply the tools of the research. Then he repeated the questionnaire among them to measure up the reliability and validity of the questionnaire by calculating the standard deviation of the teachers’ answers before calculating the reliability rate for all the themes. Based on the above, the reliability rate from the first to the fifth themes was below: 88%. 60%, 84%, 100%, 88% with an average of 84 percent. The validity of the questionnaire was also calculated by finding the square root of reliability which was 94%. Thus, the rates of reliability and validity were highly reliable. Following the analysis of the questionnaire results and interviews off supervisors, the researcher attained the following major results: 1) More than 80% of the teachers believe that the current study programme is suitable in average in terms of objectives, content tools, learning methods and the evaluation tools used in the framework of the integration pedagogy. 2) More than 80% of the teachers are of the opinion that the programme achieves in average the goals for the secondary level in Chad in average at least. 3) More than 95% of the teachers think that the qualification of the teacher has a positive impact in attaining the pedagogical goals for the secondary school at an average level at least. 4) More than 95% of the teachers believe that the materials used for the evaluation of the mathematics curriculum in the secondary level in Chad will help in measuring the learning level of students in average at least. 5) The evaluation used nowadays is the accompanying evaluation and the final evaluation. 6) The teachers as well as the supervisors are proposing an improved curriculum for the secondary level that copes with the modern technological stride. 7) The proposal pertaining to the evaluation of the teachers and supervisors on the improved curriculum is as follows: a) More than 96% of them think that it is necessary to revise the mathematics curriculum in the secondary schools for the integration pedagogy in average at least. b) More than 85% of them think that the goals and content are quite suitable. c) More than 73 of them believe that the proposed omissions in content are suitable. 8) But the most important and major result of the research is the j proposed improved curriculum. The recommendations of the research are: 1) Formation of a specialized committee in order to revise the current curriculum with a view to adapted is to the latest developments and update it to the integration pedagogy on which the curricula and books are based in the primary schools and in the light of which the intermediary level books are prepared. 2) Teachers training at the beginning and on the job training or the integration pedagogy that is adopted by Chad as well as the outer world. 3) Improvement of the educational materials through the encouragement of teachers and teachers training institutes’ students regarding the invention and quality. 4) Training of teachers on the use of the modern means of communication (web-sites, face-book etc...) The recommendations of the research are: 1) form a specialized commission in order to revise the actual] curriculum to adapt it to the technological development and be. 2) up to date with the requirements of the world today. The curriculum should be adapted with integration pedagogy which is adopted by the Chadian Ministry of Education for the primal school level. 3) train the teachers (before and during employment) within the integration pedagogy. 4) improve the didactic materials through encouraging of teachers and the training Institutes to create the materials in question. 5) train the teachers to use the modem means of communications (inter net, face book,...) (Author’s abstract)