فاعلية استعمال إستراتيجية المكعب في تنمية التفكير التركيبي لدى طالبات الصف الخامس الأدبي في مادة الجغرافية


This research aims to recognize the effectiveness of the cube strategy in developing the structural thinking of the female students of fifth preparatory/ literary section in geography. To verify the research aim, the researcher has developed the following null hypothesis: There is no difference is statistically significant at the level of significance 0,05 between the average level students who are studying natural geographical material on the strategy according to the cube of the experimental group and between the average scores of the control group who were studying the same material in the usual way, in the test thinking dimensional compositional. In order to achieve that, the researcher has chosen a trial design with partial control, and has selected Al-Musaib Preparatory school for girls, randomly. She also has chosen class A to represent the control group whose students study geography according to the traditional method, and class C to represent the trial group whose students study geography according to the cube strategy. Moreover, The research sample is amounted at 58 students, class A (29 students) and class C (29 students). The researcher has conducted a statistical equivalence between the students of both groups in the following variables: (students’ age in months, grades of mid-year exam of geography 2013-2014, intelligence test grades, test of structural thinking and academic achievements for parents). After selecting the topics (chapters: 3, 4 and 5 of geography for fifth preparatory/ literary section) which will be taught during the experiment, the researcher has developed 120 behavioral objectives for the three chapters according to the six levels of Bloom taxonomy, then she has prepared 27 teaching plans for the selected topics for the two groups of the research, after that, she submitted samples to a group of experts and arbitrators specialized in geography and teaching methods of social studies and psycho and educational sciences. Furthermore, she relied on the structural thinking test according to Harrison and Bramston theory, translated into Arabic by (Habeeb 1995) which consists of 36 test items. She applied the test before and after the trial, its validity and liability were verified, the reliability coefficient, for half of the test items, was 0,89, the researcher corrected the test using Spearman-Brown coefficient which is amounted at 0,94. Therefore, the test was ready for application. The researcher has taught the two groups of the research during the period of experiment which was for a full semester. Then she applied the structural thinking test on Thursday April 24th, 2014. In order to analyze the results, she used the following statistical methods: (T-test equation for two independent groups, Chi-Square, Peterson Correlation coefficient, Discriminatory force equation, Spearman-Brown formula). The researcher has reached to the following result: There is a difference is statistically significant at the level of significance 0.05 between the average level students who are studying natural geographical material on the strategy according to the cube of the experimental group and between the average scores of the control group who were studying the same material in the usual way, in the test thinking dimensional compositional. In the lights of result reached by the researcher, she recommended: 1) Inform the teachers of geography about the mechanisms of using the cube strategy and how to make preparation. 2) Conduct training courses for teacher of geography to train them using cube strategy in teaching geography. 3) Connect the natural geography with daily life and self-experiences of students by using modern teaching methods such as the cube strategy. 4) Emphasis on using the cube strategy in teaching natural geography along with the other teaching methods, for its importance to increase and develop the structural thinking. And she proposed another studies such as: 1) Conduct another study to reveal the effectiveness of cube strategy in other variables such as (achievement, solve problem, development of trends and tendencies, transfer of learning effect, acquisition of geographical skills, development of creative thinking, science processes and scientific tendency). 2) Conduct a similar study to recognize the effectiveness of using the cube strategy at different educational stages and samples. (Author’s abstract)