أثر استخدام المصادر التاريخية الأصلية في تنمية التفكير التاريخي لدى طلاب الصف الرابع الأدبي


This study is based on the observation that the thematic of using the original ancient references in historical reason derelopment of the literature fourth class in the ISLamic Arabic civilization history, So the following assuwptions have been applied to ful fill the aim of research. 1) Theve is no diffevence of scienbific inference at the level of inference 0,05 among the average degrees of the students which studies according to use the original ancent references in testing of the for and the represent of the historical reason. 2) There is no difference of statistical inference among the testing degrees students which studied according to use original ancient references and the average of the standard students degrees which study according to use normal method in the test of far ancient reason. The test falls randomly via Sahal bin Saad AL- saadi secondary school to apply this experimental method. The sample of this research consists of 62 students. They distributed in two groups experimental and standard, every group includes 31 students. The sufficiency of the thesis is between the two groups, the direct test, the cleverness, and the final degree in the subject of history for the father and the mother. The thesis studies the first course of the year for the two groups 2013- 2014. So the test of the thesis began on Sunday 13-10-2013 and it finished on wedneshay 15-1-2014, and the research contains 40 items according to the measurement of ancient mind distributed upon five main skills as the following: The sequence of the place and the time for the historical events, understanding, historical comprehension, the skill of historical issues, taking descion and the interpetion and analysis of the history subject. The historical thesis test has applied at the end of the research then analysis of the data which obtain on them and come out the average of the students s answers and they deal with by using the following test so as to ensure from the nil assumptions and the results state that: 1) The group which studies by using the original ancient references is better than the standard group which studies by using the normal way in developing of the histori cal reason. 2) The experimental group that studies by using the ancient references of the far testibg for historyisal reason is better than the group of represented testing. According to the results which the thesis arrives at, so the prepared of this thesis presents some of the following joins: 1) He confirms to use the genuine rences in the study of the history for what is an important effect on the depment of historical reason and its capacity. 2) He confirms on using the genuine references by the teachers inside the class-rooms or what is an important effect on the teaching. 3) Either new styles by using the genuine references and establish peiodcal studies that prepared for the teacher during their services. (Author’s abstract)