مهارات التفكير التاريخي اللازمة لطلبة أقسام التاريخ في كليات التربية من وجهة نظر التدريسيين


The present study aims at determining the required skills of historical thinking for students of departments of history in the colleges of education from the teachers’ perspectives. In order to achieve the objectives of study, the researcher used the descriptive methodology (survey study). The sample mounted to 189 teachers of history in University of Al-Mustansyria (College of Education– College of basic education) and Baghdad University (College of Education Ibn Rushd– College of Education for Women). The instrument of study is a questionnaire which is used by the researcher after reviewing the previous studies and literature relevant to the theme of historical thinking the validity and constancy of which were derived. They consist of 5 main skills and 42 sub-skills. Two skills were excluded after showing them to the expire and they become 40 sub-skills. The researcher uses the following statistical means: 1) T-test for two independent samples. 2) Pearson correlation coefficient. 3) Alpha cronbach. 4) Preferred means. 5) Percentile weight. After analyzing the data, the following was found: The achieved skills was %70 rate and the most achieved skill was (determining the explicit objective of historical event) of rate %71 and the less achieved skills was (forming an integrated image of historical event) of rate %33. Some sub-skills did not obtain frequency like the skills (comparing of historical event throughout ages, the opinions of historians throughout ages). (Author’s abstract)