تـقويـم أسـئلة كتب القراءة للمرحلة الابتدائية على وفق مستويات الفهم القرائي


The present study aims at “evaluating the questions of the book of Reading books for the primary stage according to the levels of reading understanding. In order to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher comes up with the general objectives of the study for the subject of Reading for the primary stage. The research did not find in the curricula of the primary stage prepared by the Iraqi Ministry of Education according to the percentage of this subject for each of the three classes. The researcher reviewed a number of literatures and studies relevant to the topic of the study. Then, the researcher reviewed a questionnaire to determine the levels of the reading understanding which displayed on a committee of arbitrators in the methods of teaching Arabic. After collecting data of the primary questionnaire form referred to and the previous studies. According to the previous studies and the final questionnaire form which has become the criteria. The researcher sets of to classify the questions of the Reading for the fourth, fifth and sixth stage of the primary school according to the levels of reading understanding and made sure of the constancy in two methods: the first is agreement between the researcher and the external analyzer and the other between the researcher and himself after the passage of duration. By the use of Scott equation the agreement coefficient between the researcher and the external analyzer %94.74 for the fourth grade. The second while the agreement coefficient between the researcher and himself in the first analysis was %97.18 for the fifth grade. The agreement coefficient of the researcher and himself in the first analysis was %95.36 for the sixth grade. For the criterion depended in this researcher, the researcher resorted to the criterion which is the adoption of questionnaire form to determine the percentage to understand the level of the reading understanding. In order to come up with the results of the study and answering, the researcher used the questionnaire and the equation of Scott for the constancy of analysis. The study resulted in the analysis: 1) The number of classified question which included in the Reading books for the primary stage attained 504 questions. The share of the professional level was 253 questions with a rate of %50.20 out of the total questions for the fourth, fifth and sixth stage of the primary school. The share of the implicit level was 216 with rate %42.86 out of the total while the level of the context of 35 questions was %6.94 out of the total. In the light of the results, the researcher recommends to the necessity of caring of the authors of the textbooks, especially Reading books for the primary stage, to the understanding reading. He suggests making another study like “the evaluation of the books of Arabic grammar for the intermediate schools according to the reading understanding. (Author’s abstract)