فاعلية نموذج ريجلوث والتعليم الذاتي في التحصيل الدراسي والاتجاه نحو الرياضيات لدى تلاميذ الصف السادس بمرحلة الأساس


This research aims to study and analyze the impact of Regolith model of teaching/learning together with the self-leaming materials on the academic achievement and attitudes of the 6th grade pupils/basic education towards mathematics. The Literature review of the research is composed of four sections: The first one portrays the concept of the basic education and its various applications in the Arabic World and some African countries as well. It also exhibits the trends of the basic education in the Sudan according to its historical stages and its related strategies and aims. The second section provides detailed information about mathematics with respect to its roots and developments and the nature of mathematics as science and teaching material as well. In addition, the classifications of mathematics, the components of the mathematical structure and the types of the mathematical concepts and their applications were dealt with and discussed. The third section is devoted to the theories of learning mathematics namely: Piaget, Bruner, Isabel and Gagne’s theory. The forth section exhibits and discusses the concept of the teaching/ learning design process and its importance and the factors that affect the design process. Attention was given to the characteristics of Regolith model of teaching/ learning design and how to use it. The researcher used the experimental approach to tackle the problem of the research. A sample of 102 pupils was selected from the pupils of the 6th grade class categories equally into two experimental groups and one control group. Each group was is composed of 34 pupils. The experimental work took into six weeks. Pre and pro tests were taken, the (SPSS) was used for the treatment of the collated data and, hence, the testing of the stated hypothesis. Major findings of the research are: 1) The utilization of Regolith model together with the self-learning materials in the teaching/ learning process led to an observable improvement in the academic achievements of the 6th grade pupils in mathematics at the category of knowledge as compared with the classical method of teaching. 2) No obvious differences were observed in the academic achievements of the 6th grade pupils with respect to Regolith model and the self- learning materials at the category of application and the analysis as compared with the classical method of teaching but the is a tendency to the effectiveness of Regolith model and the self-learning materials in the cognitive d main associated with the category of application. The results of the research also confirmed that the usage of Regolith model together with the self-learning materials in the teaching/ learning process yielded an observable improvement in the academic achievements of the 6th grade pupils in mathematics... This improvement is evident in the results of the general educational achievements of the pupils and in the difference that observed between the means of the degrees of the two pro-tests and the pre-test for the three groups and in the attitudes of the pupils toward mathematics for the sake of the pro-test. (Author’s abstract)