أثر إستخدام الوسائل المتعددة في التحصيل الأكاديمي لطلاب الصف الأول الثانوي في مادة الحاسب الآلي


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of multimedia technology to increase the academic achievement of the students of the first grade secondary material Computer in Khartoum locality, consisted study the problem of the computer material from the scientific process materials taken from languages approach, applications and programs a way so they are always in the need to use interactive programs along the lines of multimedia works to broadcast the suspense element programs, and away from boredom, and bring the information to the minds of the students. And this is inspecting the traditional teaching methods that have made the student to the recipient and the listener is not effective in the educational process. The researcher used in this study descriptive analytical method and experimental approach Because it is appropriate with the subject of the study, and the study sample consisted of 85 student, The sample was randomly split into two groups, the experimental group consists of 42 students, and the control group consisted of 43 students. The researcher used the achievement test as a tool for the study as well as the mass of an interview conducted-with the experimental group after the post-test, and the results of the study showed that the multimedia works to increase academic achievement for students and increase the degree of focus and make it interesting and fun educational process, working on keep learning. The study recommended to expedite the integration of technology in education in various stages of education, and the need to provide schools with computers, especially at the secondary level, and the establishment of teacher training courses on the design, production and use of multimedia programs, and concern for the benefit of the professionals in the field of education and the field of instructional design technology in the production of software educational multimedia and in order to gain access to the highest quality in these programs. (Author’s abstract)