كتاب المنهل ودوره في تحقيق الأهداف التربوية للغة العربية بمرحلة الأساس : دراسة تقويمية بولاية النيل الأبيض محلية القطينة


This research has investigated Al Manhel Arabic language textbook taught at Basic Level schools in terms of educational objectives and teachability. The study was carried out at Al Qetina Locality, White Nile State. The study aimed to know to what extent this prescribed book has conformed to set educational goals, teaching methods and adequate content. To carry out the study, the researcher has adopted questionnaire and descriptive analytical approach for data analysis. The researcher has randomly distributed 60 questionnaires to the subject teachers out of 250, the total number teachers in Al Qetina Locality. For the analysis of the data, the researcher has adopted SPSS programme.along with the descriptive method. The researcher has concluded that: 1) The objective of the Al Manhel Arabic language book is quite clear. 2) The content of the book suits the targeted group to some extent. 3) Discussion and macro teaching methods are the best way to carry out the content of the book. 4) There are different assessment methods in the book. On this background, the researcher has recommended the following: 1) The objectives of each course should be clear. 2) Modern teaching aids should be considered in teaching Arabic language at Basic Level to increase the motivation and academic acquisition of the pupils. 3) Teachers should be careful about articulation and teaching of meaning of a word. 4) Composition writing should be related to surrounding and public occasions. (Author’s abstract)