تقويم مناهج تعليم اللغة العربية في المعاهد الدينية باندونيسيا


The title of this research is “The Problems of The Arabic Language Teaching Curriculum in 1'he Islamic Senior High School of The Islamic Boarding Schools in Indonesia”. The objective of the study is to analyze and evaluate the curriculum applied in The Islamic Senior High School of The Islamic Boarding School whether it is appropriate with the Arabic language teaching curriculum or non-Arab speakers in modern perspective. The research uses the descriptive analysis approach. Samples are taken from the teachers and students in five Islamic boarding schools in East Kalimantan Province, namely: Pondok Pesantren Darul lhsan in Samarinda, Pondok Pesantren Ribathul Khail in Tenggarong, Pondok Pesantren Hidayatullah in Bontong, Pondok Pesanten Nurus Sa’adah in Sangkulirang and Pondok Pesantren A1 Mujahidin in Balikpapan. In collecting the data, the researcher used two questionnaires; for the teachers and students in five Islamic boarding schools mentioned above, interviewed the caretaker of the Arabic ‘language teaching materials, and also analyzed the curriculum contents used in the five Islamic boarding schools. The conclusion of the research is that the Arabic language teaching curriculum applied in the Islamic senior high school of the Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia is appropriate with the Arabic language teaching curriculum for non-Arab speakers in modern perspective in general, although it is necessary to correct and develop in some aspects, i.e. the objects, contents, teaching methods, teaching aids and evaluation systems. The study recommends that the Arabic language teaching curriculum applied in the Islamic senior high school of the Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia should be developed and it’s teaching orientations are directed to communicative purposes by developing the four languages skills but still accommodate the teaching purposes for religion purposes because they are very important for Moslem community in Indonesia. (Author’s abstract)