تغيير المناهج وأثره على قيم وموروثات المجتمع : دراسة تقويمية للتجربة السودانية


The researcher aims to evaluate the Sudanese experience in changing curriculums and demonstrate the impact of this change on the Sudanese society, hoping to contribute to the development of principles and criteria for curriculum development in Sudan, according to a rooting vision. He used the historical method to extrapolate and to elucidate the stages undergone by the curriculum. The research took up the decisions made or issued by officials in the education field over the years concerning curriculum by deletion, cancelation, and/or change. The researcher concluded that the Sudanese heritage and values have been forgotten by her family and the decay of our modem generations. And sequential curriculum change was among the factors that helped the deterioration of values and heritage of the society. (Author’s abstract)