فاعلية برنامج تدريبي باللعب لتنمية مهارات تحريك الجسم والعناية بالذات لدى الاطفال التوحديين بالسودان


This study was conducted under the umbrella of special education as a domain of academic study. It investigated the effectiveness of developing autistic children’s body movement as well as their potential to take care of themselves via a play-based training programme, this programme was applied and its efficiency was also tested. The problem of the study represented in the movements’ difficulties and self-care problems faced by autistic children; there was an absence of any training programmes that could help to enable this category of children to overcome their problems therefore, this study designed a play-based training programme. The significance of the study emerged from the fact that it effectively contributes in solving children movement problems as well as their difficulties pertaining to self-care. This study aimed at exploring the effectiveness of a play- based training programme to develop the skills of body movement and taking care of the self. This study used a quasi- experimental approach as a research methodology. The sample of the study consisted of 10 children; embracing six females and four males, the study also employed several tools of data collection represented in the autistic child personal portfolios that archived in Aisha centre of disabled children, a measuring tool to assess children’s skills to take care of themselves and play-based training programme prepared by the researcher. The collected data was statistically treated using the ranks test of the correlated items and Wilcoxon test. The study came out with a number of findings the most important of these are; there were statistically significant differences in the body movements and self-care observed in the experimental sample in the pre-and post- the test interpreted in the favour of the post test. Accordingly, this denoted the efficiency of the play-based programme in developing body movement and self- care of the autistic child. The study also found statistically significant differences in autistic children skills to use teeth brush and teeth paste observed in the pre-and post test. Finally, the study found statistically significant differences in the skills of eating and drinking recorded in the pre- and post programme. (Published abstract)