تقويم منهج اللغة العربية للحلقة الثالثة بمرحلة تعليم الاساس في ضوء اهداف تدريس اللغة العربية بالمرحلة: دراسة ميدانية من وجهة نظر معلمي وموجهي اللغة العربية بمحلية البرقيق


The research aimed to identify the appropriateness of the Arabic language curriculum to the students of the third circle in the Basic level schools. The research adopted the descriptive analytical approach for its appropriateness to the nature of the study. The research was conducted in a population consisting of Arabic language teachers and counselors for the third circle in Burgig locality, in addition to the curriculum development in Bakht el- Ridha and Khartoum. The research selected a sample of 100 male and female teachers, 20 counselors, and 8 experts in the field of curriculum, used the questionnaire and content analysis card for the data collection, and analyzed and interpreted them using the SPSS program. The research reached many findings of which the important ones are: that the curriculum fulfils the objectives of Arabic Language teaching at the stage, and it is appropriator for the students’ commensurate with for the student’s levels and their achievement capabilities, and that there is a clear relationship between the curriculum and its content, objectives, teaching methods, teaching aids, activities and the evaluation methods. The most important recommendations are: 1) providing in the modern teaching aids- such as computers- by the operators in the Northern Province; for computers not operators process. 2) Reconsidering the cancellation of the teacher training institutes (4 year system) and reactivating them; for their effective role in training and qualifying the teachers. (Published abstract)