أثر إستراتيجية التعلم معا في اكتساب المفاهيم التاريخية لدى طالبات الصف الأول المتوسط


The present study aims at knowing the effect of learning together in acquisition of historical concepts for first grade students and derived the following zero hypothesis: There is no significance differences at the level of 0%5 between the scores of the two groups (experimental and control) in the acquisition of the historical concepts/The sample of the study includes female students of the first grade in History of Ancient Civilizations for the first grades intermediate stage for the morning for the academic year 2013/2014. The researcher chose Zahrat Al-Madaen School from her place of residence. The school management showed cooperation with the researcher. In the random lot, the section (A) was chosen to represent the experimental Group who will study the subject of History of Ancient Civilizations by the use of learning together. The number of students attained 30 students after eliminating the failure students from the previous year. Section (D) represent the control group who studied in the normal method. The number of students attained 30 students after eliminating the failure students from the previous year. Thus, the total number becomes 60; 30 per each group. The researcher adopted a posttest for the acquisition of historical concept made up of 57 items the type of multiple choice with 4 alternatives in front of each items. The apparent validity and the activity of the difficulty of the alternatives through the statistical methods. In order to verify the hypotheses of the study, the researcher uses the T-test for two independent samples. The researcher comes up with the following result of the excel of the experimental group who were taught according to the learning together strategy over the control group who were taught the same material according to the normal methods in the test of acquiring the historical concepts. In the light of the findings, the researcher concluded the about the importance of learning together in the process of teaching and conveying the material. She suggested making studies about the learning together in other materials with the other variables like inclinations and historical thinking. (Author’s abstract)