إعتماد طلاب الجامعة على مواقع الإخبارية كمصدر للمعلومات عن الأزمات المصرية وعلاقته بتوقعاتهم لمستقبل مصر السياسي


Aims: The study aimed to reveal the relationship between the adoption of university students on news sites as a source of information about the Egyptian crisis and its relationship to the expectations of the respondents for Egypt’s political future. Methods: The study belongs to descriptive studies. Sample: A sample of university students (Males- Females) of 450 single of the total students enrolled in the university faculties of the University of Port Said of age 18- 21 years. Tools: The study relied on a number of data collection tools questionnaire form As well as the scale to measure the level of knowledge of Egyptian university students crises, the scale for measuring the expectations of respondents for the political future of Egypt. Results: The study found that the proportion of 97.3% of respondents use the news sites, while 2.7% of respondents do not use them and came Arabic news sites in the first place by 46%, while the Egyptian news sites occupied the second place. The site at the top of the seventh day, the Egyptian news sites used by the respondents the study also found that the crisis of lawlessness came in first place among the crises that cares to know information about the respondents, followed by the second in the order of Nile water crisis. The study also showed that there was no statistically significant relationship between the adoption of university students on news sites as a source of information and the level of their knowledge of the Egyptian crisis It also demonstrated that there were statistically significant relationship between males and females in the level of knowledge they have gained from the Egyptian Crisis. The study also confirmed that there is a statistically significant relationship between the adoption of university students on news sites as a source of information and their expectations for the future of Egypt’s political. (Published abstract)