معوقات استخدام الحاسب الالي في تدريس المواد الاجتماعية في المرحلة الثانوية بمدينة مكة المكرمة : من وجهة نظر المعلمين المختصين في مدارس البنين


Study objective: The study aimed to identify the obstacles of employing the computer in teaching social studies at the secondary stage in the Holy City of Makkah; these obstacles were (personal, technical, administrative), and also identifying most prominent mechanisms proposed to overcome the hindrances from the standpoint of specialist teachers at boys schools. The study population was comprised of social studies teachers at the secondary stage with a number of 160 in all. The researcher followed the descriptive method which accurately studies the phenomenon; also he used a questionnaire built upon previous literature and consisting of 62 items distributed over 3 axes, to collect his needed data; his tool’s validity had been confirmed by specialized, highly experienced judges, as to reliability of the instrument it had been verified through applying Cronkbach alph formula reaching a reliability degree of 0.94 thus rendering it appropriate for the purposes of the study. The gathered data had been analyzed using the program (SPSS) and employing some important statistical techniques, such as: Pearson correlation coefficient, split-half reliability coefficients (correlation of two parts; Spearman Brown; Guttman) and Cronbach alph; one-way analysis of variance; Sheffee test for post-comparisons. Results of the study: 1) The hindrances of utilizing the computer in teaching social studies at the boys secondary school in the city of Makkah were at a medium degree with the general average for the administrative obstacles axis reaching 3.69 followed by a medium degree and a general average of 3.13 for the technical obstacles, then finally the personal obstacles with a medium degree and a general average of 2.70. 2) There were no statistically significant differences between the members of the study population concerning the obstacles except as related to the experience variable of teaching in the area of administrative obstacles since statistically significant differences existed in behalf of those with teaching experience (from 10 – 15 years). Recommendations of the Study: 1) Training social studies teachers in dealing with emergent computer problems which require a specialist technician. 2) Providing a fast access internet line connected to the school so that social studies teachers could use the computer to browse the internet. 3) Providing spare parts to replace damaged parts in the computer so that social studies teachers continue using the computer as a teaching medium thus averting interruption due to computer breakdown. Suggestions of the study: 1) Conducting a similar study at the secondary stage in the city of Makkah from the viewpoint of female teachers. 2) Conducting a similar study at the secondary stage in cities other than Makkah and comparing its results with the results of the present study. (Author’s abstract)