تصور مقترح لاستخدام المكتبة الإفتراضية في تدريس مقرر المكتبة والبحث في المرحلة الثانوية في ضوء الإتجاهات الحديثة


The study aimed to a proposed conception for the use of virtual library in teaching and research library at the secondary level to current trends by determine the requirements (administrative, educational environment, teachers, attend students) are necessary to use the Virtual library in teaching library and research at the secondary level, the detection of differences between the mean responses of the sample on the determination of requirements for the use of digital library in the teaching library and research at the secondary level due to the variables of the study (Qualification, experience, specialization, and sex), and to achieve the objectives of the study the researcher followed the descriptive approach, and used-resolution tool for data collection, and The study sample consisted of 38 of the members of the faculty of the Department of Educational Technology at the University of Umm Al-Qura, and supervisors with the decision of the library, research and learning resource centers administration of Education in Makkah Region, for the academic year 1432/1433h. and to analyze the data of the study the researcher used the reliability coefficient alpha Cronbach for the reliability coefficient study tool, and the correlation coefficient Pearson ratified the internal consistency, and the averages and standard deviations to determine the requirements for the use of digital library in the teaching library and research, and testing of Mann and Whitney, and test Kruskal Wales to know the significance of the differences between the averages in accordance with to the variables of the study. The study concluded that a set of results was the most important: 1) That all the requirements of the use of Virtual Library in Teaching and Research Library at the secondary level and required in the following areas (administrative, and educational environment, and teachers, and students) are considered important requirements where the responses of most of the sample with a high degree. 2) There are significant differences between the mean responses of the sample on the determination of requirements for the use of Virtual library in the teaching library and research at the secondary level due to the variables (qualification, and the number of years of experience, and specialization), while no statistically significant differences for the variable sex. In light of the results been conceived proposal to use the Virtual library in teaching, study also recommended a number of recommendations. (Author’s abstract)