الشعـور بالذات وعـلاقته بالأسلوب المعـرفي (المجـازفة – الحذر) لـدى طلبـة الجامعـة


The current research aims Self - consciousness and its relationship to cognitive-style (Risk taking - Cautions) From the students of the university} Know: 1) the level of self- consciousness for the students in the university. 2) the differences in the self-feelings for the students in the university according to ( males , females ) and studying specialist and ( scientific , human ) and the stage ( second , fourth ). 3) the type of the knowledge style (Risk taking - Cautions) for the students in the university 4) the differences of the cognitive style (Risk taking - Cautions) for the among university students according to gender (male, female) and specialization courses (scientific, humanistic) and grade (second – fourth) 5) The correlation between the sense of self and cognitive style (Risk taking - Cautions) among the students of the university. The research determines students of the University of Qadisiya for scientific specialization and human males and females and the second and fourth rows of the morning study for the academic year (2012 - 2013). To achieve the objectives of the research the researcher relied on the following: 1) building scale sense of self among the students of the university, based on the theory (Buss, 1976), and corrupted the scale was finalized after the completion of the conditions of validity and reliability and the ability to distinguish, from 33 paragraph , distributed on two (feeling very own sense of self year). 2) Adopting scale style of cognitive (Risk taking - Cautions) among the students of the university, based on the theory (Messick , 1984) in the form of positions of verbal and each position two alternatives , one of them represents a style risk , and the other represents a style caution, and corrupted the scale was finalized after the completion of the conditions honesty fortitude and the ability to distinguish , from 26 paragraph. As a complement to this, the researcher applying scales on a sample of 400 male and female students at the University of Qadisiya have been selected stratified random chosen them on according to the method of proportionate , for the academic year ( 2012-2013 ) and after data collection and processing statistically using the bag Statistical Social Sciences (SPSS) research found the following results: 1) that college students have a high sense of self. 2) male university students have a particular feeling higher than female students. 3) that college students of scientific specialization more particular sense of students specialization humanitarian. 4) The university students are characterized by cognitive style (venture). 5) to students of the University of males are characterized by cognitive style ( risk ) than female students. 6) that college students have a degree of cognitive style differences (Risk taking - Cautions) depending on the interaction of specialization (Science - a human) with a grade school (second – fourth). 7) There is a direct correlation between the correlation sense of self and cognitive style (Risk taking - Cautions) where that students with higher sense of self , using the method of knowledge (risk) either students with a sense of self Play low use of cognitive style (caution). 7) As a complement to the results reached by the search researcher recommended several recommendations, including: 1) Selection of students with higher sense of self in the performance of tasks that need to be a high degree of attention and risk. 2)Adoption of the measure of a sense of self in the present study as a basis for knowledge of students with a sense of self Play low in order to facilitate the process guide them and To germ for the increased sense of . END researcher several proposals , including :1) conducting a similar study of the current study on the stages of the other study. 2) Conducting a study on the relationship sense of self ( Higher) other variables were not covered Current search in psychological , social and variable multiple intelligences and job satisfaction and deal with the pressure. (Published abstract)