برنامج تدريبي قائم على الاحتياجات المعلوماتية لتنمية مهارات استخدام المصادر الالكترونية لدى طالبات الدراسات العليا بجامعة طيبة


The study aims to measure the impact of a training program based on the information needs to develop the skills to use electronic resources to graduate students at the University of Thebes, by identifying the information needs I have students to use electronic resources, and prepare a list of the necessary skills to use electronic resources, and then designing and testing the training program based on information needs that have been delivering regularly to graduate students at the University of Thebes. The researcher has identified information needs through a questionnaire the court, then the design of the proposed program in the light according to a systematic instructional design. The researcher reached to the list of skills that must be met with graduate students. Was to follow the experimental method with the same group, where the measurement was applied Odaut which included a test to measure the cognitive side, and note card to measure the skill. Been experimenting with the program on a sample of graduate students enrolled general education diploma at random and their number was 132 student, who proved the study hypotheses. By showing the effectiveness of the training program based on the information needs to develop the skills to use electronic resources to graduate students at the University of Thebes, as shown by its efficiency. Finally, the study recommended providing training programs based on the information needs to develop the skills to use renewable sources of electronic information within the development projects of creativity and excellence of faculty members. And teaching programs in the use of electronic resources for graduate students in all sections of the colleges of education. (Published abstract)