سيكولوجية تعاطي المخدرات وإدمانها لدى الفتاة الجامعية : دراسة حالة


The current study aims at identifying the psychology of taking and addicting to drugs (Tramal) for a university female student so as to determine the psychological characteristics and personality dynamics of the addict. The study is also designed to recognize the factors, causes and psychological experiences that constitute the psychological environment for the addict. The purpose of the study is to provide remedial and preventive programs for drug addicts. The researcher has employed a case study method for a female addict (Tramal) at Al-Aqsa University through using clinical interview, case history, clinical analysis and thematic appreciation test (TAT). The researcher have come to the conclusion that drug addiction is caused by personal, (Lack of feeling of love & safety) family, (Family disputes and lack of following up) social, (Bad social condition) cultural and religous backgrounds (weakness of religious impulse). Through using the clinical analysis test, the case is proved to be suffering from schizophrenia, paranoia, guilt feeling, and imagination of illness, lack of love, feeling of distrust, helplessness, and despair. (Published Abstract)