أثر تنوع أساليب التفاعل في الفصول الافتراضية على خفض العبء المعرفي وتحسين مهارات البحث المعلوماتي والتحصيل الأكاديمي لدى طالبات الإقتصاد المنزلي، كلية التربية


The study aimed to identify the impact of the diversity of interaction methods in virtual classrooms on reducing the cognitive burden and improving informational research skills and academic achievement among female home economics students in the College of Education. into two experimental groups, the first group studied in a two-way interaction method, and the second group studied in a multi-directional interaction method, and the two researchers prepared study tools to measure the dependent variables, which are the informational research skills scale, the cognitive burden scale, the academic achievement test, and the descriptive and quasi-experimental approach was used with Experimental design based on two experimental groups that were studied with a list of interaction methods in virtual classrooms through a course of teaching problems, and the results of the study resulted in a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of the students of the two experimental groups in the post-application of the academic achievement test, and the burden scale. cognitive in favor of the second experimental group, and there was no statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between Average ranks of the scores of the students of the two experimental groups in the post application of the information research skills scale. There is also a statistically significant difference at the level (0.01) between the mean scores of the students of the two experimental groups in the pre and post applications of the academic achievement test and the scale of reducing the cognitive burden and information research skills in favor of the average scores of the post application. Also, there is an inverse correlation between the cognitive burden and informational research skills, and an inverse relationship between the cognitive burden and academic achievement, while there is a direct relationship between the informational research skills and the academic achievement of the students of the two study groups. (Published abstract)