نموذج سببي لتشخيص العوامل المؤثرة في الاستخدام الفعلي لبرمجية spss من خلال متغير نوايا استخدام البرمجية كمتغير وسيط


The study aimed to construct a causal model to diagnose the factors affecting the actual use of the (SPSS) software through the variable of intentions of using the software as an intermediate variable. The path analysis method was used to examine the model. The study found that there is no direct relationship between: ease of use and intentions to use the software (SPSS). As well as no direct relationship between the variables of perceived fun and the actual use of the software. The results showed that there is a direct correlation between the variables of perceived fun and variable intentions of using software. And the existence of a direct correlation between the perceived usefulness and intentions of using software. It also shows that there is a direct effect between an intermediate variable of the intention to use the software with the dependent variable of the actual use of the software. The results showed a statistically significant correlation between the ease of use and the actual use variable of the software (SPSS). There is also a statistically significant correlation between perceived usefulness and the actual use of the software. The results also indicate that the indirect relationship between the perceived fun and the dependent variable. The actual use of the (SPSS) software is stronger than the direct relationship between them. The results also indicate that the indirect relationship between the variable of perceived usefulness and the variable dependent on the actual use of (SPSS) software is stronger than the direct relationship between them. (Published abstract)