فعالية برنامج تدريبي قائم على الذكاء الناجح في تنمية الحكمة لدى معلمي المرحلة الثانوية


This research aimed at developing wisdom (social advising, emotional regulation, pro-social behaviors, insight, value relativism and decisiveness) of secondary stage teachers through a program based on successful intelligence, and identifying the remaining effect of the training program for the experimental group. The experimental method was used and the participants included (60) teachers in El-Gededa secondary school for girls in Beni-Suef governorate at first term 2018-2019; divided into experimental group (n=30) and control group (n=30). The following tools were used: San Diego Wisdom Scale (SD-WISE) by (Thomas et al., 2019), adapted by the researcher, Raven's Intelligence Scale adapted by Foad Abou Hatab, 1977, and the training program by the researcher. By using T-test and Eta-squared, research results revealed the effectiveness of the training program on developing wisdom of secondary stage teachers with its all components and the remaining effect of the training program appeared in the non-existence of significant differences between post and follow up test of experimental group wisdom. (Published abstract)