فاعلية برنامج قائم على المصادر الأولية الرقمية في تدريس التاريخ لتنمية مهارات الفهم التاريخي لدى تلاميذ الصف الأول الإعدادي


Problem of the research: The low level of preparatory first graders in historical understanding skills; Although historical understanding in history is particularly important, there is no significant interest in it in the actual teaching of the subject, for teachers' reliance on traditional methods and means, which depend on conservation and indoctrination. This prompted the researcher to learn about the effectiveness of a program based on digital primary sources in teaching history to develop the historical understanding skills of the first-grade preparatory students. Procedures: Research procedures were identified in two aspects: theoretical and experimental, and theoretical: 1) Digital primary source software. 2) Historical understanding skills. The empirical aspect is defined in: 1) The development of a list of historical understanding skills. 2) The development of a digital primary source program in history teaching to develop historical understanding skills. 3) The development of measurement tools, which included: (Electronic Test of Historical Understanding Skills). 4) Experimental study and included: Selection of research group and number (30), (single group) of preparatory first graders, application of tribal measurement instrument, teaching of digital primary source program in history teaching, application of measurement instrument dimensionally. Results of the research: The results of the research resulted in the preparation of the list of historical understanding skills needed for the first grade preparatory students, as well as the effectiveness of a program based on digital primary sources in teaching history to develop the historical understanding skills of the first grade preparatory students, and also indicated that there are statistically significant differences at the level of (≤0.05) between the score averages of the research group in my test (Electronic test of historical understanding skills) in "tribal-remote" applications in favour of remote application. (Published abstract)