إستخدام جدول النشاط المرئي لتحسين مهارات التنظيم الذاتي لدى الطلبة ذوي اضطراب طيف التوحد


This study aimed to find out the level of using the visual activity schedule to improve self-regulation skills for students with autism spectrum disorder. The study consisted of a sample of 74 male and female students with autism spectrum disorder. The study tool was used to improve self-organization skills, and a program of using visual activity tables was administered, in which the validity and reliability of the tool was calculated. The study found statistically significant differences between the pre and post testing of the experimental group which refers that the training program improved self-regulation skills for the experimental group participants. The results also showed statistically significant differences attributed to the gender variable in favor of female students, and the results also showed statistically significant differences attributable to the enrollment variable in a rehabilitation communication program (enrolled, not enrolled) in favor of students who enrolled in a rehabilitation program. The results showed that there were no statistically significant differences attributed to the variables of chronological age, academic level, and verbal language use. (Published abstract)