برنامج مقترح في ضوء نظريات علم نفس المثقافة لتنمية أبعاد الأمن الفكري والمرونة النفسية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية


The research aimed to build a proposed program in light of the theories of cultural psychology, and to verify its effectiveness in developing dimensions of intellectual security and psychological resilience among high school students. To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared the following: a list of the dimensions of intellectual security, and a list of the dimensions of psychological resilience appropriate for high school students studying psychology. And a test of the dimensions of intellectual security, and a measure of the dimensions of psychological resilience. The proposed program is based on the theories of cultural psychology. The program was applied to a group of second-grade secondary students, their number (15) students. The researcher used the experimental method for one group, by applying the two research tools beforehand, then teaching the proposed program, and applying the two research tools on the same sample, and the program was applied at the rate of two sessions per week. The results of the research revealed that there are statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research group in the pre and post measurements in the test of the dimensions of intellectual security and the measure of psychological resilience as a whole in favor of the post measurement. In light of the results of the research, the researcher suggested a number of recommendations. (Published abstract)