تكامل بحوث التربية العلمية مدخل لتحقيق التنمية المستدامة في المجتمعات العربية في ظل إشكالية التغير المناخي وأزمة (كوفيد-19) : رؤية مقترحة


The research aims to present a proposed vision for the integration of scientific education research as an approach for achieving sustainable development in Arab societies. In light of the repercussions of climate change, and the coincidence of the crisis of the (Covid-19) epidemic. Which ensuing environmental, economic, and social problems with numerous conditions that obstruct the paths of sustainable development in our region. Where the researcher dealt with the description and analysis of the present problems, the level of sustainable development in Arab societies, and the role of scientific education in bringing about sustainable development targeted at the Arab level. In addition, put forward a proposed vision to direct integrated scientific education research towards the requirements of educational institutions by supporting science and technology education, and spreading scientific awareness. The research recommends the necessity of supporting integrated scientific education research and disseminate scientific, environmental, and health culture in Arab societies. (Published abstract)