الذكاء الثقافي وعلاقته بالمرونة الانفعالية لدى طلاب جامعة حلوان


The current research aims to detect the relationship between cultural intelligence and emotional flexibility among university students; Detect differences between the average scores of university students on the scale of cultural intelligence and emotional flexibility, which are attributed to both the variables of gender (male/female) and specialization (literary/scientific); and to Contribute the dimensions of cultural intelligence (cognitive integration, behavioral motivation) in predicting emotional flexibility among students. the university, in addition to predict the emotional flexibility based on the information of the score on the cultural intelligence scale among university students. The researcher used the descriptive, correlational and causal-comparative approach. Study results and conclusions: The first hypothesis was fulfilled, and this indicates the existence of a positive (direct) statistically significant correlation between the scores of university students on the cultural intelligence scale and its sub-factors (cognitive integration, behavioral motivation), and their scores on the emotional flexibility scale and its sub-factors (emotion management, emotional awareness, social support). For the differences between males and females in the total score of the cultural intelligence scale and after (cognitive integration). It is clear that the third hypothesis has been partially fulfilled, as the results show that the “t” values calculated for the differences between males and females on the total score of the emotional flexibility scale. By extrapolating the results, it is clear that the fourth hypothesis has not been met, and this indicates that There are no statistically significant differences between the average scores of university students in the total score of the cultural intelligence scale and the two factors (cognitive integration, behavioral motivation) due to the difference in academic specialization (scientific, literary). Emotional flexibility and its sub-factors (emotion management, emotional awareness, social support) are attributed to differences in academic specialization (scientific, literary); This indicates that the fifth hypothesis has not been met. It is clear from Table (34) that the sixth hypothesis has been fulfilled, which states that “The dimensions of cultural intelligence (cognitive integration, behavioral motivation) contribute to predicting emotional flexibility among university students.” It is clear from the results of the previous two tables (36, 37). ) Emotional flexibility can be predicted by knowing the score on the cultural intelligence scale, and this means that the relationship between the two variables is real, and this indicates that the seventh hypothesis is fulfilled. (Author’s abstract)