فاعلية نموذج تدريسي مقترح قائم على التكامل بين النظريتين البنائية والذكاء الناجح في تنمية البراعة الرياضية لدى طالبات قسم تعليم الطفولة المبكرة لمقرر أساسيات الرياضيات (137 ريض)


This study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a suggested teaching model based on the integration between constructivist and successful theories intelligence to develop mathematical proficiency among students of the early childhood department in the basics of mathematics course (Math 137). The research followed the experimental methodology with two groups. The two units (Matrixes and Determinants) and (Equations and Inequalities), and the scale of productive desire in mathematics prepared by the researcher, where they were applied before and after adjusting them, and ensuring their validity and stability on a sample of (49) students, distributed into two groups, experimental group consisting of (25) student, who studied using a suggested teaching model, and the control group consisting of (24) student, who studied in the traditional way. The study results revealed the existence of statistically significant differences at the level of "0.05" between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the dimensional application in the development of mathematical proficiency as a whole and its sub-components (conceptual comprehension - procedural fluency - strategic competence - adaptive reasoning) in favor of the experimental group, with a high effect size. Statistically significant amounted to (0.77), as well as the presence of statistically significant differences at the level of "0.05" between the mean scores of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the scale of productive desire in mathematics as a whole and its sub-components (estimating the role of mathematics in life - attitude towards mathematics- mathematical self-concept) in favor of the experimental group, and the size of a high effect that is statistically significant, amounting to (0.84). (Published abstract)