تشتت الانتباه واضطراب فرط نشاط الحركة وتأثيره على التحصيل الدراسي


The current study aims to determine the relationship between attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and academic achievement among fourth-year primary students. A tool for collecting data represented in a questionnaire that measures attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. As for the level of academic achievement, the results of the second semester average were relied upon as an academic standard to determine the level of academic achievement. We also relied in this study on the correlation coefficient R and selection which are included in the statistical package for social sciences (spss) and it was found: 1) There is a statistically significant correlation between the degree of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and the level of academic achievement among the sample members. 2) There are statistically significant differences in the degree of attention disorder accompanied by hyperactivity between males and females among the sample members. (Published abstract)