التنمر وعلاقته بالنواحي النفسية والاجتماعية لدى الطلبة ذوي الإعاقة العقلية الملتحقين في معاهد التربية الفكرية ومدارس الدمج في محافظة الأحساء من وجهة نظر المعلمين والمعلمات


School bullying The current study aimed to verify the impact of on the psychological and social aspects of students with intellectual disabilities enrolled in inclusion schools and institutes of intellectual education in Al-Ahsa Governorate, and the researchers used in this study the descriptive analytical approach It is appropriate to the nature of the study problem, which studies the phenomenon as it is in reality and describes it accurately, as it analyses and interprets it into primary data and processes it to reach the desired results. With intellectual disabilities in Al-Ahsa Governorate, and the exploratory sample consisted of (22) male and female teachers in inclusion schools and institutes of intellectual education. The electronic questionnaire was applied to the exploratory sample to ensure its male and 45 validity and reliability. The basic sample consisted of female teachers in the inclusion schools and institutes of 54 intellectual education in Al-Ahsa Governorate. The electronic school bullying scale (prepared by researchers) and the electronic psychological and social aspects scale (prepared by researchers) were applied. On the basic sample used in the research in the and then applying statistical academic year (1443 AH - 2022 AD) transactions using the statistical program (SPSS 25), and it was a wonderful result: that intellectually disabled students enjoy good social and psychological aspects due to their appreciation by the school in which they are, and students with intellectually disabilities are indifferent and not psychologically affected by the words said about them. This is because of their knowledge of their ability to develop and develop, and through the results of the study, some recommendations and proposed research were presented. (Published abstract)