إستخدام استراتيجية مقترحة قائمة على التعلم المعكوس لتدريس مادة الرياضيات عن بعد في ظل جائحة كورونا بألمانيا


The current research aimed to present modern strategies for teaching mathematics in German schools in the Corona pandemic. The proposed strategy based on flipped learning is used for distance teaching of mathematics. To increase the quality of the lessons, to give the student a central role in learning, to take responsibility for his own learning, and to limit the role of the teacher in guidance and support when necessary only in order to achieve active learning. The study suggests: 1) using the proposed strategy based on flipped learning in distance teaching in the Corona pandemic. 2) Giving students a greater and central role in education in the Corona pandemic. 3) Optimal investment for discussion and questioning remotely through the available programs. (Published abstract)