فعالية برنامج تدريبي قائم على التجهيز الانفعالي في تحسين مستوى التفاعل الاجتماعي لدى الأطفال المعاقين فكريا بمدارس الدمج بشمال سيناء


The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of a training program based on emotional processing in improving the level of social interaction for children with intellectual disabilities in integration schools. The study sample consisted of (6) intellectually disabelled children from integration schools whose ages ranged between (8-12) years, with an average age of (9.14) and a standard deviation of (0.70), and IQ between (65-75) on a scale of Stanford Binet Fifth Photo. The study tools consisted of the emotional processing scale, the translation by the researcher, the social interaction scale prepared by Adel Abdullah (2008), and a training program based on emotional processing prepared by the researcher. The results of the study concluded with the effectiveness of the training program based on emotional processing in improving the level of social interaction for children with intellectual disabilities in the integration schools in North Sinai and the continuity of effectiveness during the follow-up period. (Published abstract)