فعالية برنامج كورت (1) في تنمية مهارات (التفسير والاختيار من البدائل وإدراك العلاقات الزمانية والمكانية والارتباطية) لدى أطفال الروضة ذوي النشاط الزائد


The present study aimed to identify the effectiveness of (CORT-1) to develop (Interpretation, Choice of alternatives, Realize temporal, Spatial and Associative relationships) skills for kindergarten children suffering from hyperactivity. The study sample consisted of (60) children from first and second level of kindergarten in Dier Mawas (Minia). The following tools have been implemented: An observation card of using hyperactivity (prepared by the researcher). The scale of basic thinking skills for kindergarten children suffering from hyperactivity (prepared by the researcher), and CORT (1) program to develop basic thinking skills for kindergarten children suffering from hyperactivity. The study used the quasi – experimental approach; designed the one group of pre-post measurements. There are differences in a statistical function between the average pre- and post-primary levels of thinking skills in the sample of the primary study of hyperactive nurse children in favor of dimensional measurement, there are statistically significant differences between the average pre- and post-operative grades of over activity in the baseline study sample of hyperactive nurse children in favor of dimensional measurement. (Published abstract)