توكيد الذات وعلاقته ببعض المتغيرات لدى طلبة كلية التربية بجامعة ذمار


The study aimed to reveal the level of self-assertion among the study sample, and identify significant differences of the means among them according to variables of gender and major, and the significance of differences based on gender in general majors (science males/ science females/ human males/ human females), and the significant differences among science and human majors. The sample consisted of (193) students from science and human specializations at Education College, Thamar University in the academic year (2022-2023). The researcher used the self-affirmation scale prepared by him after ensuring its validity and reliability. SPSS program was used for processing data. The t-test was used to check the validity, reliability and the significance of differences according to gender and major; the ANOVA analysis was also used to identify differences according to major (science/ human). The results showed that Education College students had a high level of self-assertion, and there were no statistically significant differences between them due to the gender variable (males/females) and specialization (science/ human). There were statistically significant differences between (science males/ science female students) in favor of science male students, (science male students/ human male students) in favor of science male students, and (science male students/ human female students) in favor of science male students. Finally, there were no differences among science specializations and human specializations on self-assertion scale. (Published abstract)