أثر التكامل بين الاستقصاء والعروض العملية في تدريس تكنولوجيا الكهرباء على تنمية المهارات الكهربية لدى طلاب المرحلة الثانوية الصناعية


The aim of the research was to develop practical electrical skills among third-grade industrial secondary students, specializing in refrigeration and air conditioning, through integrating inquiry into practical demonstrations. The quasi-experimental approach was used on a sample of (60) third-grade female students, distributed into two equal groups. The group members were selected. The experimental group, which consisted of (30) students, from the Samadoun Industrial Secondary Joint School studied by Integrating Inquiry into Practical Demonstrations strategy, and members of the control group, which number (30) students from the Menouf Industrial School for Girls studied by the usual way. The research used an achievement test and a note card, and the results of the research resulted in a statistically significant difference at the level of (0.01) between the average scores of the students of the experimental and control groups in the post application of the cognitive aspect test, and a note card for the performance of electrical practical skills for the benefit of the students of the experimental group. (Published abstract)