القدرة التنبؤية لليقظة العقلية بالتنظيم الانفعالي لدى طلاب الجامعة : دراسة سيكومترية - كلينيكية


The research aimed to reveal the contributions of Mindfulness (dimensions - total score) in predicting Emotional Regulation among university students, in addition to revealing the distinct personality dynamics of both high and low Mindfulness. To achieve this goal, the research was conducted on a sample of (219) male and female students in Zagazig University aged between (19-22) years old, with an average age of (20.59) and a standard deviation of (1.077). The research applied the Philadelphia Mindfulness Scale, Emotion Regulation Scale, clinical interview form and the Sachs test to complete sentences. The most important results were that the combined dimensions of Mindfulness (The assessment of the present moment awareness + acceptance) contributed to predicting the dimensions of the internal functional emotional regulation, while the present moment awareness contributed solely in predicting the dimension of the external functional emotional regulation, whereas acceptance was not indicative. The research also revealed that the personal dynamics of university students with low Mindfulness differed from those of high Mindfulness. (Published abstract)