أثر اختلاف التضاريس الجغرافية على بعض عناصر اللياقة البدنية للطلاب بأعمار (17-18) سنة


The living environment reflects in multiple environmental factors that may affect the person in terms of health, social, economic or cultural. This research aims to identify the level of physical fitness for students aged (17-18) years in two different environments (Qasrehigh School in Choman and Shammamk High School in the Erbil plain) and then comparing (100) students for each region. The study found that students living in mountainous areas excelled in each of the following physical elements (running 50 meters, throwing a medical ball test 2 kg, front jumping of stability test, and agility test), while students living in the plain area excelled in each of the following elements (run 800 meters, flexibility test), and the research came out with several recommendations. (Published abstract)