برنامج مقترح في الثقافة البيو والنانوتكنولوجية وفقا لنظرية المرونة المعرفية وأثره في تنمية التواصل العلمي ومهارات التفكير المستقبلي والوعي بالسلامة البيولوجية لدى طلاب كلية التربية


The aim of current research to identify the effect of the suggested program in the bio and nanotechnological culture based on the theory of cognitive flexibility and the development of scientific communication and future thinking skills and the awareness of the biological safety to students in the Faculty of Education. Therefore, the researcher prepared a program in BioNanotechnology according to the theory of cognitive flexibility, and prepared the evaluation tools which included: The scientific communication test, the test of future, thinking skills, and the biosafety awareness scale, then the researcher selected the research sample, then the Pre application of the evaluation tools, followed by the research experience, then the post-application of the evaluation tools and access to the different data of the statistical processing of the results. The results of the research: there were statistically significant differences between the mean scores of the research group in the Pre and the Post applications to test the scientific communication, the test of future thinking skills, and the biological safety awareness measure for the post application, and measures the effect size of the which revealed that there is a great effect of the independent variable in dependent variables. (Published abstract)