الذكاء الانفعالي وعلاقته بالمناعة النفسية لدى طلبة المرحلة الإعدادية

The current research aims to identify : 1) The degree of emotional intelligence among the students of preparatory students. 2) The degree of psychological immunity among the students of preparatory students. 3) The correlation between emotional intelligence and psychological immunity. 4) The difference in relationship Emotional intelligence and the Psychological Immunity among the students of Preparatory Students according to sex variable(male-female). To achieve the objectives of the research, which the researcher ever built scale Emotional intelligence and consists of (28) items and four alternatives to measure the Emotional intelligence. and ever built the scale Psychological Immunity consisting of (26) items and four alternatives to measure the Psychological Immunity. After applying the two scales to the research sample consisting of (200 students) from Preparatory Students, the results showed that the degree of Emotional intelligence among Preparatory Students was (high) and the degree of Psychological Immunity was also (high). As for the relationship between the two variables, it is a (strong positive) relationship. The results showed no significant statistical differences between the two variables according to variable of sex. (Published abstract)