المرونة النفسية وعلاقتها بالإلتزام الأكاديمي لدى طلبة جامعة اليرموك


This study aimed to reveal the psychological resilience and its relation to academic commitment, and if there significant differences and academic commitment due to gender, main major, and level of study, to carry out the goals of the study, the researcher used the descriptive correlative approach, and modifying and applied the psychological resilience and academic commitment scales, on sample of (1004) students (343 Male, 661 Female), the results revealed that the level of psychological resilience was high among the students, and the level of academic commitment was high too among the students. Also the results showed non-significant differences in psychological resilience due to gender and level of study, but there significant differences due to main major among faculties of humanities students. And the results showed significant differences in academic commitment due to gender among female students, significant differences due to main major among faculties of humanities students, significant differences due to level of study among first level (first year). Finally, the result revealed appositive correlative between psychological resilience and academic commitment. (Published abstract)