التنمر خطر يهدد دمج ذوي الإعاقة بمدارس التعليم العام


The study aimed to identify the psychological, social and academic damages resulting from school bullying against students with disabilities who are integrated into regular schools. And to identify the factors that lead to the spread of the phenomenon of school bullying. Identify the forms of school bullying among students. And revealing the relationship between achievement motivation and school bullying among students. The results of the research showed that the prevailing forms of bullying in the forefront of verbal bullying by (40%), followed by physical bullying by (28%), then social bullying by (22%), and sexual bullying at the last rank (10%). This result can be attributed to many reasons. Because it increases the likelihood of "verbal bullying" more than other forms of bullying, It is easy to give nicknames and words to others, as it is a word that can be transmitted daily, and it is easy for him to transmit or imitate, and what helps the prevalence of this type of bullying is that it does not require physical strength as in other forms, so it is easy to circulate among students who lack strength Physical bullying, while physical bullying that requires greater physical and mental strength comes in second place, as bullying students practice pushing, hitting, or kicking. As the feeling of power and control is of great importance to students. (Published abstract)