الإحتياجات التدريبية اللازم توافرها في برنامج التدريب الميداني لدى الطالبة معلمة الجغرافيا في ضوء التعلم الهجين ومواجهة أزمة كورونا من وجهة نظر التربويين والطالبات


The study aimed to determine the training needs that are required to be available in the field-training program for pre-service geography teacher, to apply hybrid learning and face the challenges of the Corona crisis from the point of view of educators and students. The number of geography educators in junior and high school regarding the training needs of students and on-site training geography teachers is (33) tutors the questionnaire was also applied to the students of the third and fourth grades of pre service geography teacher about the training needs necessary for them in field training from their point of view, and their number reached (166) students. The results of the study showed the students’ need for training in the three dimensions of the questionnaire. (Published abstract)